Celebrating 10 years of success - Over 3000 clients - Over 1 million cases in our archives - Clients of all forms of ownership! - Cooperation with state authorities and management!


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Класифікація ДК 021:2015: 92510000-9 Послуги бібліотек і архівів (Послуги архіваріусів),проведення архівації,області: з особового складу-38 справ;постійного зберігання-8 справ; акт про виділення документів до знищення- за  1993-2018 роки в кількості- 20 позицій.

Комунальне підприємство електромереж зовнішнього освітлення м. Києва «Київміськсвітло»

ДК 021:2015:79990000-0 (послуги з науково-технічної обробки документів,)проведення архівації,області: з особового складу-131 справа;постійного зберігання-21 справа; акт про виділення документів до знищення за 2011-2018 роки в кількості- 35 позицій.

Спрощена закупівля, Прозоро


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Write Off Documents

We write off documents with elapsed shelf-lives in complete accordance with the requirements of legislation.

Any enterprise or organization in the process of the activity accumulates documentation with elapsing shelf-life. Our archivists conduct works on an enterprise, form the files of permanent storage, files of the personnel, make the Act about a selection of files to elimination, Inventory of files of the personnel and permanent storage. We verify Act and Inventory in the state archives and eliminate written off documentation.

Monthly more than 40 new enterprises and organizations become the clients of our company on writing off and elimination of documents! We have already over 500 new clients annually! There are more than 2000 clients during the time that company works! From the government bodies and administration to the small business enterprises.

Binding Of Documents

We conduct work for archival binding of documents of permanent storage, files of the personnel and any other requiring for binding documentation. Bookbinders of staff in our company will do binding of any complication. We bind up all kinds and types of documentation. Monthly we bind up more than 2000 files!

Elimination Of Documents

Documents which had passed procedure of writing off in accordance with legislation, can be destroyed physically. There are two ways of elimination the documents such as recycling or shredding. The representatives of our company arrive to the place of documents storage, making their binding, loading and export to the place of utilization. A client gets the Act about elimination of documents. At request the representative of client can be present during the process of documents utilization.

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Client: Logistics company "DP Schenker" 

Objective: The organization, structuring, cataloging of accounting and personnel documents. Cancellation and destruction of documents with expired shelf life.

Solution: Ukrainian Archive Company has audited company’s available documentation. Were evaluated by the following factors: the number of full-time employees, the period for which the documents will be written off, the structure of the enterprise.